Software Transformation Service

We provide software transformation services to structurally and technologically update and improve software that cannot meet the organization’s needs and contains outdated technologies.

Being aware that the software continues to be used live, we recode the software by breaking it down into appropriate components, and we immediately commission the completed parts without disrupting any flow.

In a migration project, as much as knowing new technologies, mastery of structures and technologies previously designed becomes crucial.

As Özgür Software Inc., for over 25 years, we have been transforming your software with a team of experienced individuals working in the field with both old and new technologies, where seasoned professionals with many years of experience collaborate seamlessly with the new generation of developers. While our colleagues with years of work experience and numerous technology transformations ensure that the same architectural mistakes are not repeated, our developers, who are well-versed in new technologies, ensure that we derive the highest efficiency from these technologies.

Software Transformation;

The steps we follow are as follows;