Agile Software Service

In a software project, after spending extended periods on analysis before coding begins, the project requirements are determined, and all details are finalized. However, the business world is constantly changing, requiring businesses to adapt quickly to these changes. This is where the concept of “Agile Software” comes into play. Agile software is a software service that can adapt to changes in the business environment, such as fixed manpower, changing workloads, shifting business priorities, and accelerated delivery times.

Agile Software Service;

Traditional/Outsourced Software Development Agile Software Development
The project plan and delivery deadlines determined at the beginning of the project. A project plan shaped according to the needs of the business and delivery deadlines that can be modified based on the business requirements.
Fixed workload and requirements determined based on the analysis conducted at the beginning of the project, leading to cost estimation, with subsequent requested changes incurring additional costs. Cost management based on the initially agreed fixed working hours at the beginning of the project allows for the dynamic modification of requirements according to project needs, facilitating the progression of tasks.
An independently operating software development team separate from your business. A hybrid software development team that operates in harmony with and collaborates effectively with your business.
Unobservable Software Development Process Real-time Observable Transparent Software Development Process
Fixed Technology Current and Flexible Technology
Predefined workload Workload that changes in parallel with the demand.